然后从下载对应的固件,比如说CMC和Infrastructure firmware
in the following sequence:
iDRAC Lifecycle Controller Diagnostics (optional) OS Driver Packs (optional) BIOS NIC RAID Othercomponents
searching (Upgradi
ng Server Component Firmware From File Using CMC WebInterface)
Table 7. Supported Server Component Versions For ServerComponent Update to N version
Updating Storage Component Using CMC Web Interface
Virtual disks on the shared storage can then be mapped to aserver module.
The Shared PERC 8 card supports Single Root Input OutputVirtualization (SR-IOV), which allows multiple systems to share availablehardware resources
Dual Fault TolerantShared PERC 8 Card Configuration — In this configuration, there are twoShared PERC 8 cards configured in an active-passive cluster. Both controllerscan access the same storage subsystem. However, only the active controllerprovides the data access. If one of the Shared PERC 8 cards fails, the otherShared PERC 8 card takes control in a seamless transition. The default cachepolicy for virtual disks created in this configuration is write-back
It may take up to 25 minutes for the PowerEdge VRTX storagesubsystem to completely power on.
The firmware version must be same for both the cards, If thesystem has two Shared PERC 8 Internal cards, ensure that the Fault ToleranceStatus is Healthy/Normal
This document helps you upgrade the Dell PowerEdge VRTXsystem from a single controller configuration to a fault tolerant SharedPowerEdge RAID Controller (PERC) 8 configuration. The entire procedure may takeyou up to six hours. The following are the two types of controllerconfigurations: Single Shared PERC 8 card configuration — In thisconfiguration, the PowerEdge VRTX system is installed with a single Shared PERC8 card. Fault tolerant Shared PERC 8 card configuration — In thisconfiguration, the PowerEdge VRTX system is installed with two Shared PERC 8cards. Either of the two Shared PERC 8 cards can access the storage subsystem.If one Shared PERC 8 card fails, the other Shared PERC 8 card takes control ina seamless transition
If the Controllers are infault-tolerant mode, then the following information regarding thefault-tolerant status and mode is also displayed:
Fault Tolerant Mode – Shared, Active/Passive
Fault Tolerant Status – Healthy/Normal, or Lost/Degraded
Peer Controller - Indicates the name of controller thatacts as the peer (stand-by) in case of a fault-tolerant mode supported by twocontrollers
第二个在DELL官方网站有很多的操作系统对应的firmware,如果我们要只是升级Chassis的固件的(CMCFirmware Chassis )等,如果我们用网页版升级的话,可以完全忽略那个操作系统,因为这些固件是一样的内容,不过最好还是用windows的固件